badhan transfusion centre

Mode Of Operation

Due to lack of logistics, necessary machineries as well as legal barrier, it is still running as experimental basis.

Initial ideas were to engage one Medical Officer from DU Medical Centre but it was never exercised. Board of Directors (Chairman-Treasurer, DU, Executive Chairman- nominated by Chairman from Provosts, Chief Medical Officer & 1 Medical Officer, DU, 1 Representative from SpaandanB, President & Secretary of Badhan Central Committee & DU Zone Committee, 2 Advisors of Badhan) formed by Badhan Central Committee never sat for a meeting. The centre was running on the basis of some corner stone principal set by the senior advisors. DU Zone is supervising the day to day activities of BTC and representatives from SpaandaB periodically oversee the operations. At present two Medical Technologists are appointed for collection and processing of whole blood. The first Vice President of Badhan DU zone performs duty as Cheif Executive Officer of BTC.